Okay, so what is...
Bucket Drumming?
You've seen the street performers on the sidewalks on a summer day, right?
Bucket drumming is a fun, inexpensive, and enjoyable way to learn rhythm, beat, melody and general music skills. There are so many ways to explore music and play along with favorite tunes just using a 5 gallon bucket and a pair of sticks!
This class is really gonna jam!
Ages 10 and older/$80 per semester
Buckets & Sticks included
So Many Sounds!
Here's a fun video that demonstrates a number of bucket beats playing the buckets in a variety of ways. Gives a great idea of what buckets can do!
Buckets In Class
We will work together in class playing as an ensemble while we familiarise ourselves with different beat combinations.
Learn Notation
Learn to read a variety of rhythms while playing along with songs in various styles. Prepare a some songs for the Christmas Concert!