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Auditions: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Valley Troubadours 2nd Annual Community Show!!

You are welcome to email your audition or contact us for an alternate time.

Otherwise please plan on coming to Auditions at Belfry Hall 900 N Mason St. Appleton, WI

Email contact Heather Neumann


Who - Ages 8-98 years old


When - Auditions - April 7 


Please come prepared for your desired role… but you may be asked to read or sing for others.


3:00-3:30 - Ensemble (children and adults who want to sing, but don’t want lines)


Present monologue and song to sing. Come audition, and unless asked to stay you are free to go.


3:30-5:00 - Lined Ensemble/Featured Roles (Mr./Ms Coggins, Lord Scrumptious, Child Catcher, Toy Maker, etc)


5:00-6:00 - Jeremy/Jemimah 


6:00-7:00 - Truly/Caractacus/Grandpa


7:00-8:00 - Baroness/Baron/Spies


8:00 - Potential Call Backs


Commitment- An email will be sent out within 48 hours. You will have 24 hours to commit by paying the non refundable registration fee and email response. 


Cost - $25 per person/$50 per family


Misses- We understand summer commitments are hard, please know your planned misses and mark them in your Audition Form. We will make some exceptions, but NO MISSES after June 16.


Rehearsals- We plan to rehearse Monday, Tuesday, Thursday evening - 6pm-9pm. Rehearsals will take place in May and June. Frequency will be character dependent. Kids choir will likely only meet once a week at the beginning. Dance ensembles and primaries please plan on the 3 nights a week.


Important Dates…

Dress Rehearsal - Sat. June 21

Tech Week - June 23

Performances - 

June 27 - 6:30pm

June 28 - 2pm, 6:30pm




Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was originally a family favorite film, released in 1968.

The stage version was first performed on Broadway in 2005. While the story is similar, the stage version is much slicker with more comedy elements added. 


The story is set In England, around 1910. Eccentric widower, Caractacus Potts works as an inventor, a job which barely supports himself, his even more eccentric father, and his two children, Jeremy and Jemima. When the children beg their father to buy for them their favourite plaything - a broken down jalopy of a car sitting at a local junkyard - Caractacus determines to do whatever he can to make the money to buy it. His first scheme involves the unexpected assistance of a pretty and wealthy young woman they have just met named Truly Scrumptious, the daughter of a candy factory owner, but when this scheme goes wrong, Caractacus eventually comes up with another plan, which gives him enough to buy the car.


Applying his inventing skills, Caractacus transforms the piece of junk into a beautiful working machine, which they name Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, due in no small way to the loud noise its engine makes. Meanwhile Baron Bomburst has decided he wants the car and assigns his two spies, Boris and Goran to steal the car and bring back to him in Vulgaria. Their hair- brained scheme to kidnap the inventor goes wrong when they kidnap Grandpa Potts instead.


Determined to rescue their father/grandfather, Caractacus and the children, along with Truly, fly to Vulgaria where they find themselves in a land with no children. Baroness Bomburst hates children with a passion and sends the child-catcher to eradicate any children.


Discovering some children who have been rescued from the clutches of the child-catcher in the sewers of Vulgaria, Caractacus, Truly and the local toy-maker hatch a plan to give Vulgaria back their children while at the same time rescuing their father/grandfather.


Whilst watching the movie will give you an indication of the storyline, please keep in mind this was a movie made in 1968 and is quite antiquated in comparison to today’s movie standards. 




Caractacus Potts - An eccentric, brilliant, English inventor and loving father and son. His inventions and children are his life.

Male. Range: A3 - G5


Truly Scrumptious - Daughter of the famous candy maker, Lord Scrumptious. Strong and independent, but gentle. Falls in love with Caractacus.

Female. Range: A3 - E5


Grandpa Potts - Caractacus Potts's father, who is a former war hero. He loves to tell old War stories. A sort of second father to Jeremy and Jemima.

Male. Range: C4 - E5


Baron Bomburst - Tyrannical ruler of Vulgaria and a lover of toys. A man-child, he is very immature, needy, and whiney.

Male. Range: E4 - E5


Baroness Bomburst - Head of the Vulgarian Parliament and a hater of children. Tyrannical and dramatic.

Female. Range: G3 - G5


The Childcatcher - She makes sure that Vulgaria is child-free. Evil and manipulative. Hates children almost as much as the Baroness.

Preferably Female. Speaking Role.


The Toymaker - With all children outlawed in Vulgaria, this toy-making genius only works for the child-like Baron. Smart but frightened.

Male. Range: C4 - E5


Jeremy Potts - Caractacus's son. An adventurous boy with a vivid imagination. A total child at heart who loves his family.

Male. Range: C4 - E5


Jemima Potts - Caractacus's daughter. She is an adventurous girl with a vivid imaginations. A total child at heart who loves her family. Female. Range: C4 - E5


Boris - A member of the two-person Vulgarian gang that works for the Baron and Baroness. Though he/she is not very smart, he/she is the leader. Male or Female. Range: C4 - G5


Goran - One member of the two-person Vulgarian gang that works for the baron and Baroness. A dumb oaf.

Male or Female. Range: D4 - G5


Featured Roles…


Lord Scrumptious - Owner of the Scrumptious Sweet Factory. Extremely busy, important, and decisive.


Miss Philips

Assistant to Lord Scrumptious. Very busy, brusque and formal.


Mr./Ms Coggins 

The kind owner of the local garage who lets Jeremy and Jemima play in the scrap heap. Kind, but realistic.



A cantankerous old man who wants to melt Chitty down into scrap metal. Grouchy.


Sid,Violet and Dotty

Neighbors enjoying the Fun Fair.


Turkey Farmer

A farmer who purchases one of Potts’ inventions.



Six of the most famous inventors in Vulgaria. They help Grandpa try to build a Vulgarian car just like Chitty.



Lord Scrumptious’ chief candy cook.



Kids; Inventors; Soldiers; Townspeople; English Crowd; Morris Men; Vulgarians; Mr. Coggins, Junkman, Miss Phillips, Violet, Sid, Turkey Farmer, Dog




Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (~1:03);  pdf

Caractacus Potts  

Hushabye Mountain ;  pdf

Toot Sweets (~1:20);  pdf

Truly Scrumptious

Doll On A Music Box;  pdf

Lovely, Lonely Man;  pdf​

Grandpa Potts

Posh!;  pdf

Baron Bomburst

Chu Chi Face;  pdf

Baroness Bomburst

Chu Chi Face;  pdf

The Toymaker

Teamwork;  pdf

Jeremy Potts

Truly Scrumptious;  pdf

Jemima Potts

Truly Scrumptious;  pdf


Act English (from 3:04);  pdf


Act English (from 6:09);  pdf





Who does she think she is, telling me how to raise my children? Implying that I am eccentric. I am not eccentric. Implying I don't look after you ... I look after you alright, don't I? Thank you, Children. All these wonderful things ... they're very precious. I'm afraid other people wouldn't appreciate them. Other people don't see things the way you do. Come now, let's go to sleep. 


Mister Potts, if you don't mind, I am more than capable of repairing my own… Look what you've done to my motorbike. I may never get it started now. Well, excuse me, Mr. Coggins, I happen to have a sticky carburetor and I'm simply here for a part. I'm fairly certain that I need a new choke pull spring.



I was on my way to an afternoon tea. But, I must say, a picnic at the seaside sounds oh so much more delightful. This is amazing. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? Now I've seen everything. It's not a car. It's a miracle.



That's a nice pile of junk you got there, Caractacus. You know what your father's like when he's working. Better stay with me. I'll be taking care of things for a while ... you know how it is. Did I tell you about the time I sailed from Liverpool? Well, whattaya know ... a miracle of modem mechanics ... not surprised really, considering you learned it all from me, Caractacus Potts .. (salutes) regimental genius.



What a funny noise it's making. It's talking to us ... all engines talk? What’s it saying? Daddy! Help! The water's rising. We're going to drown! Daddy! Daddy! The tide, it's Come in.



Could we ask you something? It's about Mr. Coggins…He has to sell our Car, Daddy. And if we don't save her, he'll sell her for scrap! Mr. Coggins did say that we could have her if you gave him thirty shillings. Can we save her, please Daddy??


BARON: I want it, I want it, I want it! I want the car that always wins the Grand Prix! I'm tired of losing! If we can discover the Secret of this car it can be harnessed for the good of our nation, we can take our proper place in the World Once again...



Yes, my little poopy pants. Then you must have it, my little teddy bear. Nothing is too good for the Baron of my dreams. I will get you your car. Call the spies. You will have a happy birthday, my little wiener schnitzel with strudel on top. (speaking to GORAN) I want that car brought to Vulgaria in time for the birthday celeebration! Find it or else!


BORIS: Yes, this is Boris the spy ... I mean, what's the password? 

That's it, Goran. That's the Car that won the grand prix. We've found it.

It's not so simple. Mr. Coggins wants to sell it to that nice, Englishman. I don't think he's going to sell it to two Vulgarians. Goran, one only has to look at you to know how vulgar you arc.



I've got it! Vee von't tell him ve are from Vulgaria. Yes. I have a vulgar heart. The Baron is going to love us now ... right, Boris?



Out of my way. Out of my way. Tasting time! Too late! You had your chance. Muffed it!



Hello Jeremy… Jemimah! This was once a great Car. Won the grand prix three years running. I have to sell her. Well, I'm sorry my dears, but she's not any use to me. Times are hard. She’s not going anywhere till tomorrow. I'd rather sell her to you ... I've always wanted to see the ole girl fixed up and back on the road where she belongs.



Any scrap today, Mr. Coggins? What's this heap of old iron doing here? Course he's going to sell her ... what do you think he's running a children’s playground or something? Alright thirty bob, I'll pick her up tomorrow.



I'll tell you what we're going to do with her. We're going to put her in the dapper. And we're going to crush her up until she's one solid piece of metal. Then we're going to put her in the fiery furnace and we're going to melt her down till she's liquid iron. That's what we're going to do with her.



Appointments are scheduled on the third Monday of every month. You're welcome to schedule an appointment to schedule an appointment, but not until next Thursday when appointments for appointments are scheduled.







TRULY: Look what you’ve done to my motorbike. I may never get it started now.

POTTS: If it weren’t for me, madam, you might have gone head first over the handlebars. TRULY: Well, excuse me, but I happen to have a sticky carburetor and I’m simply here for a part.

POTTS: By the sound of it . . . you’re in the need of an adjustment to your butterfly valve. TRULY: I’m fairly certain I need a new choke pull spring.

J: Don’t worry, our Daddy will fix it. He’s an inventor!

POTTS: Allow me . . . uh, madam.

TRULY: Uh . . . Truly.

POTTS: Absolutely.

TRULY: No, Truly . . . that’s my name.

POTTS: Truly . . . what a pretty name.

TRULY: Thank you.

POTTS: (Introducing himself) – Caractacus Potts. Okay. . . pull out the choke.

TRULY: (To the children) – Excuse me, but shouldn’t you be in school?

POTTS: No. Pull out the choke, please. Besides, you wouldn’t want them to go to school without eating their breakfast would you?

TRULY: Well, certainly not.

POTTS: So that’s why we’re here . . . for a part to repair my breakfast making machine. TRULY: What’s wrong with a stove and a skillet?

POTTS: Inefficient . . . and not as fun.

TRULY: Breakfast making machine? Rather eccentric. . . wouldn’t you say?

POTTS: No I wouldn’t say.

TRULY: Well, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean. . .

POTTS: Good day, Madam.

TRULY: Good day. . . Oh, and thank you.

POTTS: Vicious, interfering, confounded woman! Who does she think she is, telling me how to raise my children? Implying that I am eccentric. I am not eccentric. Implying I don’t look after you . . I look after you alright, don’t I?





TRULY: You know Mr. Potts, you have two wonderful children. POTTS: I have to agree with you there.

TRULY: (Looking at the view) Isn’t it beautiful?

POTTS: (Looking at and subtly referring to TRULY) Lovely, just lovely. TRULY: Mr. Potts?

POTTS: Caractacus.

TRULY: Caractacus.

POTTS: Ridiculous name.

TRULY: Oh, I rather like it. (A beat) Anyway, Caractacus, do you remember I accused you of being a negligent father?

POTTS: I don’t think I remember that.

TRULY: Yes you do. Well, I just feel I have to say that... that I think you are... absolutely... POTTS: ...and I have to say... that you couldn’t be more... completely...

TRULY: ...Absolutely.

(An enormous thunderclap breaks the scene)




TRULY: Excuse me, but shouldn’t you be in school? You’re not sick are you? J: Oh no. We’re fine.

TRULY: Good. Where’s your mother?

J: Mummy’s over in the churchyard.

TRULY: Well, she ought to be looking after you. Oh. I’m terribly sorry. (A beat. She continues.) But just why aren’t you children in school?

J: It’s a holiday.

TRULY: And what holiday would that be?

J: Eastmas!

TRULY: Eastmas?

J: Halfway between Easter and Christmas. A very special day when uh, when... When school is closed.




J: Daddy, have you been working late again?

POTTS: Why aren’t you asleep?

J: I’ve been thinking. I know how to raise money for the car . . . I can sell my treasures. Look, King Alfred’s Crown . . . the nail from Noah’s Ark . . . the stone possibly from Stonehenge. These things are enormously valuable. Take them, Daddy. You can sell them. And you can use the money to buy the car. And for all your inventions.

POTTS: Thank you so much. All these wonderful things . . . they’re very precious. I’m afraid other people wouldn’t appreciate them.

J: Why not, Daddy

POTTS: Because other people don’t see things the way you do. Come now, let’s go to sleep. I have to go to the Fun Fair.

J: Oh goodie. Can I come?

POTTS: Not, it’s not for fun. Daddy has a plan.




POTTS: What?

TOYMAKER: You! Quick, get those children inside!! Come on, come on. Quick before the child-catcher gets here.

POTTS: The what? And who are you?

TOYMAKER: The Toymaker. Now get inside! Please don’t argue. We must get these children out of sight. Quickly . . . He’s coming! Children are forbidden in Vulgaria.

POTTS: What?

TOYMAKER: The Suppression of Children Act, still in force.

POTTS: But what about all these toys?

TOYMAKER: They’re for the Baron. He likes toys. A lot. (POTTS peers out the door.) Get away from there . . . he might see you.


TOYMAKER: The Childcatcher. He takes children and makes them . . . disappear.

POTTS: Which children?

TOYMAKER: All of them .




POTTS: (To Jeremy and Jemima) Just this once you can finish your supper upstairs. Grandpa and I need to talk.

GRANDPA: Goodnight, God Bless, don’t let the bugs undress. (Jeremy and Jemima exit) POTTS: Thirty shillings. How on earth am I supposed to find thirty shillings?

GRANDPA: I haven’t the foggiest. Still they don’t ask for much, do they? POTTS: That’s because they don’t get much.

GRANDPA: That’s true!

POTTS: But, God knows, I’m doing my best.

GRANDPA: Yes, and we’re not bad parents are we? POTTS: No, no we’re not.

GRANDPA: But still nothing can replace their mother. POTTS: I know. I know. But thirty shillings! GRANDPA: Thirty shillings!!

POTTS: Ah well. Nothing’s impossible. One of these inventions is going to work one day, isn’t it Grandpa?

GRANDPA: Almost entirely certainly.

POTTS: Absolutely. ‘Night Grandpa.

GRANDPA: ‘Night my boy. (Thinks to himself) My boy. . . got a lot on his plate he has. Funny old family we are. Still, we all muck in as best we can.




BORIS: 28, 29, 30 bob shillings. (a stray dog runs across the stage) 

GORAN: I think it was a Shih Tzu.

BORIS: No it was a fox terrier . . . and don’t call me Sue.

GORAN: All we need to do now is buy the car.

BORIS: It’s not so simple. Mr. Coggins wants to sell it to that nice Englishman. I don’t think he’s going to sell it to two Vulgarians.

GORAN: Oooooow. (Suddenly) I’ve got it! Vee von’t tell him ve are from Vulgaria.

BORIS: Goran, one only has to look at you to know how vulgar you are.

GORAN: Yes. I have a vulgar heart. BORIS: Yes.

GORAN: I have a vulgar mind. BORIS: Yes.

GORAN: Can’t I just speak English and still be Vulgar?

BORIS: No, Goran. That would make you American. We must be English. From now on, Goran, you will be Gordon.

GORAN: (Haughtily) Gordon.

BORIS: . . . and I, Boris, will be . . . 

(They think.)

GORAN: Doris?

BORIS: (pause . . .finally) Brilliant!

GORAN: And we will be English.

BOTH: Ha! Ha! Ha!




BARON: My darling, how do I look?

BARONESS: I could eat you with a spoon. My Strudel.

BARON: My little knockwursts.

BARONESS: My sticky bun . . . I have such a special surprise birthday planned for you today. BARON: You do? Tell me, tell me, what’s the theme this year for my party?

BARONESS: Shan’t. It’s a surprise.

BARON: Tell me about my party.

BARONESS: You’ll have to wait and see.

BARON: Tell me, tell me, tell me.

BARONESS: Don’t make me count!! (That shuts him up) I have a special present planned for you today. This year the Toymaker has excelled himself.

BARON: The Toymaker. What has he made? Is it . . . a toy?

BARONESS: It’s like a sixth-sense with you, isn’t it? You always know.

BARON: Oooow, I’m so happy! It’s my birthday and I’m having a big party and I’m getting the flying car and the toymaker has a special toy just for me. What more could a Baron want? 

BARONESS: His Baroness.

BARON: Oh my veenerschnapple.

BARONESS: Your rotten toys mean more to you than I do.

BARON: No. You know what you are to me – don’t you my darling?

BARONESS: Remind me.

Audition Form

Check roles this person will be auditioning for:
Are you interested in ensemble only (no lines)?
Are you interested in interviewing for a crew position if you are not offered a role?
Can you help? Check your top 3 choices
You will now select an audition time based upon your FIRST choice of role (the role you are most interested in).
3:00-3:30 Ensemble (children and adults who want to sing, but don't want lines). *Please prepare to sing Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - no monologue
3:30-5:00 Lined Ensemble/Featured Roles (Mr./Mrs. Coggins, Lord Scrumptious, Child Catcher, Toy Maker, etc.)
5:00-6:00 Jeremy/Jemimah
6:00-7:00 Truly/Caractacus/Grandpa
7:00-8:00 Baroness/Baron/Spies
8:00 Potential Call Backs
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