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Drama Classes





Drama Plus - MUSICAL - Most Epic Birthday Party Ever 

Ages 10-14

AM - 10:15-12:00

PM - 2:00-4:00


Skyler is about to turn 12, and she’s planned the biggest celebration of the year. But in the middle of the party, something mysterious happens – all the adults suddenly vanish! Trapped in the backyard, the kids realize they must create a brand new society. However when they elect Skyler’s older brother, Charlie, as their ruler, things really begin to spin out of control. Eventually the kids learn a big lesson in responsibility, while Skyler and Charlie develop a greater respect for one another.


Max. 35 per group


Performances - April 5

AM - 2pm and 4pm

PM - 11am and 7pm


NOTE - Dec. 5 

2:00-4:00pm - Auditions for LINED Characters and SOLOS 

*You must PAY to reserve your spot in this program. We expect these groups to fill. ANYONE can register, but please come to auditions to secure solos or lined roles. Everyone Scripts will be given out before the break.


Audition Link - 


Speech Games and Improv

Jan. 9-Feb. 27 (8 weeks)


Ages 12+


Using games, exercises, and other activities, students will have a blast exploring and expanding their speaking and acting skills. Students will work on building ensembles, do object work, and learn the essence of a good story-telling scene. As speakers and actors, students will explore speaking styles and heighten techniques to create compelling characters. From facial expressions and eye contact to british accents and vocal variety, this class will help students grow, grow, grow!




One Acts:

Nov.-Feb. 1

  • 12:45-1:30 - One Act 1 - Goldilocks

  • 1:30-2:15 - One Act 2 - Murder Mystery


Music and Movement:

Jan. 10-Feb. 28 (8 Weeks) 

8:45-9:25 (40 minutes of fun)

ages 3-6 (parents included), 20 max



Get up and dance, move, and sing with us. Heather Neumann and Schawn Starfeldt will engage and instruct our little friends into the world of rhythm, music and movement. Come with your student and play in the world of music together!


Exploring Drama:  

Mar 28- May 9 


ages 8-12



An introduction to the fun, fun, fun of drama! Students will explore the elements it takes to be on stage (although no “official” final performance will be scheduled)! Our goal will be to help students unleash their imagination, gain confidence in speaking and movement through theater games and activities. Our exploration will emphasize the development of the actor’s instruments: voice, body, and imagination.


$80, max 25 students (due to popular demand, students must pay to be considered registered.)

Troubadours Players - Newsies:

Jan. 10-April 27 

Ages 14+

Cost - $150


9:30-12:30 - 

All Lined Characters must be prepared to be called or

Dance Breakouts

  • King of New York

  • Bowery Beauties


3:15-4:00 - Dinner


4:00-5:00 - Ensemble Singing

6:00-8:00 - ALL Group Dancing and Run Through, Some Solo Work

(Possibly later in Feb, Mar, Apr)


It's time to carry the banner on our stage with Disney's Newsies! Set in turn-of-the century New York City, Newsies is based on the true tale of  "newsies." When titans of publishing raise distribution prices at the newsboys’ expense, Jack Kelly and pals rally newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions & fight for what's right!


Based on the 1992 motion picture and inspired by a true story, Newsies features a Tony Award-winning score. Featuring the now classic songs “Carrying the Banner,” “Seize the Day,” and “Santa Fe,” Newsies is packed with non-stop thrills and a timeless message, perfect for the whole family and every audience. 


Over 40 lined characters! Lots of singing, dancing, and fun! Students will register in fall, payment isn’t due until after auditions. Students must be in a Troubadours choir in fall and spring in order to register.


Newsies Audition Packet (coming Nov. 18)


Coming Summer 2025...


Summer Drama Camps…

June 16 - Ages 10+ - Alice in Wonderland 


Max. 35


  • Performance on Friday at 3pm

  • Bring your own lunch, water


June 23 - Ages 8+ - Once Upon a Nursery Rhyme


Max. 25


  • Performance on Friday at Noon

  • Bring your own snack, water


Summer Intern Link - We are always looking for high schoolers to help!


Community Theater - MORE SOON!


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